Lirik Ode to Joy (Beethoven's 9th Symphony)
Banyak yg bilang instrumen ini musik gereja, atau untuk suatu agama, Tapi gua memandangnya lain, kenapa ? karena musik universal. Sedikit bahas tentang simfoni ini. Pertama coba di Play dulu atau dengerin dulu sebelum baca lebh lanjut.
Instrumen ini punya nama asli : "Ode An Die Freude"
Tergolong musik klasik, yg katanya punya manfaat bagus buat jaringan otak bayi maupun manusia. Nah, kalo si Beethoven nya sendiri sih cuma bikin instrumen nya aja, kalo untuk apanya dia nyiptain, ya karena dia seneng aja buatnya haha. Walaupun dia sendiri pendengarannya kurang bagus.
Liriknya pun banyak versi dan ini salah satu versinya menurut :
O friends, no more these sounds!Let us sing more cheerful songs,more full of joy!
Joy, bright spark of divinity,Daughter of Elysium,Fire-inspired we treadThy sanctuary.
Thy magic power re-unitesAll that custom has divided,All men become brothersUnder the sway of thy gentle wings.
Whoever has createdAn abiding friendship,Or has wonA true and loving wife,All who can call at least one soul theirs,Join in our song of praise;But any who cannot must creep tearfullyAway from our circle.
All creatures drink of joyAt nature's breast.Just and unjustAlike taste of her gift;
She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,A tried friend to the end.Even the worm can feel contentment,And the cherub stands before God!
Gladly, like the heavenly bodiesWhich He set on their coursesThrough the splendor of the firmament;Thus, brothers, you should run your race,As a hero going to conquest.
You millions, I embrace you.This kiss is for all the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopyThere must dwell a loving Father.
Do you fall in worship, you millions?World, do you know your creator?
Seek him in the heavens;Above the stars must He dwell.
Nah kalo ini versinya :
Joyful, joyful
We adore Thee
God of glory
Lord of love
Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee
Hail Thee to the sun above
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us with the light of day
With light
With light
Mortals join the mighty chorus
Which the morning stars began
Father love is reigning o'er us
Brother love binds man to man
Ever singing march we onward
Victors in the midst of strife
Joyful music lifts us Son ward
In the triumph song of life
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